
The Procurement Act is expected to go live in October 2024, and the transition to the new regulations will be a critically important time for all stakeholders. Understanding the changes and how to adapt to them are vital for a successful transition into this new landscape.

For buyers and suppliers, the Act will mark the biggest change in a generation to the way they work within the £393 billion public sector marketplace, and the changes that are coming will impact not only the processes that organisations must abide by, but also the commercial skills, behaviours and culture of procurement functions and other stakeholders. 

The Procurement Act Live will bring together buyers and suppliers in a dynamic and collaborative environment, creating a space to engage, exchange ideas and create new relationships with others on this new procurement journey, ensuring delegates leave equipped and empowered not just to manage the transition, but to fully benefit from it.    

Featuring knowledge and training sessions hosted by some of Britain’s leading procurement figures and experts, as well as an interactive exhibition floor to showcase the top buying organisations and suppliers, Procurement Act Live will cover in-depth the key changes procurement professionals need to know about, and help them identify who they can partner with and what the market has to offer.

What's happening at Procurement Act Live 2025?

Procurement Act Live 2025 provides both buyers and suppliers with a unique opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills, in addition to sharing best practice through the extensive networking, showcase and collaboration opportunities including: